More about me?

Welcome to Shelly's Books. 

My name is Shelly and I'm a book addict living in a city outside of Toronto, Canada. I have always read, but it was in University when the amount picked up. Purchasing a kindle also helped move things along. I have a tendency to read rather than watch t.v. shows or movies. When I finally come out of my cave, I head towards my other cave to binge watch t.v. shows that I neglected. 

I can easily say books are a major part of my life. I enjoy reading fiction, but stay away from anything non-fiction. I'm usually engrossed in urban fantasy, sci-fi and of course contemporary romance; I'm a sucker for romance, so any book with romance plus a little something is what I tend to reach for.  I do go through books fairly quickly, but that's mainly due to the way I read. I have a habit of scanning and I have to force myself to slow down, especially when I'm trying to write a review. I don't have much experience, but I wanted to try reviewing. 

Book reviews are very subjective and I encourage you to read and form your own opinion. I hate it when I read a review and I end up reading a whole mess of spoilers, so I mainly write spoiler free reviews. Of course I will give some warnings if I can't help myself and end up ranting away. 

Thanks for checking out my blog!